Getting into an auto accident can be a disorienting experience to say the least. If you get injured when you are hit, you may have a lot of problems that follow. Getting the care you need and the compensation you need for medical bills and lost income from missing work shouldn't be something you have to worry about. Getting a good auto accident attorney to help you manage any legal claim you have to damages is smart. There are a few things a good auto accident attorney would want you to do if you ever are in an accident.
Document Whatever You Can
While hiring a lawyer will help you get access to all the information and evidence involved in your case, there are things you can do to help that process before ever meeting a lawyer. An lawyer would tell you to start documenting the accident if you are able to. That means taking photos or videos of your vehicle and any injuries you have sustained. A lawyer would tell you to write down as much information about the accident as soon as you are able to document what happened. This type of evidence helps establish what damages were sustained, which will make your injury case more compelling.
Go to a Doctor Soon
If you have sustained an injury, then you should go to a doctor the same day if possible. Some people don't notice the effects of a car accident until a day or two later when whiplash soreness sets in. Visiting a doctor as soon as you can will demonstrate that your injuries were caused by the accident. It will also help you get any medical treatment you need, and you may learn that there are injuries you sustained that you weren't aware of yet. Some brain injuries or soft tissue problems aren't always obvious right away. A doctor can fully examine you, and they can provide that documentation to your lawyer for analysis.
Don't Settle with Your Insurance Company Too Soon
Once an insurance company knows that you are injured, they will want to settle with you as soon as possible. They will give you a low-ball offer. Some people take initial offers only to find that they can't afford to pay for all of their medical bills. A good lawyer knows how to fully analyze the worth of an injury case. This is done from legal experience and from a calculation of all the damages that you have or may have in the future. Work with a good lawyer to make sure you are protected.
There is no harm in talking with a lawyer about your accident. Do what you can to document what you can, and then get free advice from a good lawyer. That will keep you protected from getting a settlement that isn't fair from your insurance company.